
Sports marketing relies on building strong connections with fans who take the place of regular consumers. Fans help to make sports marketing unique, and marketers should pay close attention to fans if they want to be successful.

Lingua: English

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17 minuti

Sports Marketing

What sports marketing is

24 minuti

Evolution Of Sports Marketing

Sports marketing has a long history, ever since the ancient Olympics sports were being used to promote towns and businesses. Now, thanks to the advent of radio, tv and the internet, there are more sports fans than ever.

10 minuti

Why did companies start investing in sports marketing

Modern sport has become full of big money sponsorships, and big brands can gain huge exposure due to being associated with a star athlete or major sports team.

21 minuti

Cases Sports Marketing

Red Bull, Procter & Gamble and Heineken are all examples of companies which have gotten it right by achieving a lot of exposure through sports marketing.

12 minuti

Ambush Marketing

What ambush marketing is and how marketing continues to adapt to new innovations

4 minuti

Careers in Sports Marketing

Understand a sport marketer different roles and opportunities

13 minuti

Interesting Facts and Figures

Interesting Facts and Figures

31 minuti

Future Trends

How future trends will continue to shape the face of sports and sports marketing

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